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Soil and Gold

Undergraduate Honors Thesis  ~  Annaclaire Crumpton  ~  May 2020 

        The bountiful earth eternally provides for human civilization. From the planet’s fertile lands sprout an incredible cornucopia of food. However, as human civilization moves into stricter societal confines, government becomes the ultimate lord of the harvest, dictating the movements of food back and forth.


       This network of movements is best understood in a grocery store. Aisles beam with mounds of fresh produce, stocked shelves of vibrantly colored breakfast cereal, and islands of gourmet cheese. Understanding how food prices impact individuals access to healthy foods requires a close examination of agricultural legislation. A large piece of agricultural policy involves subsidies or money provided by the government that aids and consequently manipulates the price of a particular item. Subsidizing, or providing funds for crop production/insurance, allows the government to shape food prices. (43)

       This site compares how agricultural subsidies in the United States and the European Union impact food security or consistent, reliable access to fresh and healthy foods.

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The What

Agriculture Subsidies

        The subtle importance of subsidies impacts every aspect of consumer consumption. In the United States, processed foods reign thanks to the placement of federal subsidies on corn, sugar, and wheat. The byproducts of these crops remain more convenient for American shoppers. (10, 12, 42) In the European Union, subsidies on fresh foods top the list. As a result, produce is more affordable for European shoppers. (10, 24)

        The European Union's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) denotes vegetables as the most funded subsidy which may be connected to the Union's strong dedication to human health through the Precautionary Principle. Written in the European Union's Constitution, the Precautionary Principle states government can eliminate policies (or specific products) that may pose threats to human health even with a lack of scientific evidence. For example, the EU banned Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) across their production chain. (13, 18) A decade of scientific evidence denies any detriments to human health from GMOs. (37)

       Maintaining human health is ingrained in the European Union as a constitutional tenant. No such constitutional amendment exists in the United States; though these powers of the office are implied, they are not explicitly stated. The EU is nearly two hundred years younger than the US government. In the United States, policy related to human health is driven by scientific research and results. (41) A US imbalance in subsidy distribution (what crops are subsidized) correlates with food prices, subsequently impacting human health. (29) Infamous for obesity, the somewhat accurate international perception of the nation’s weight is not completely the fault of the individual. Though health remains an individual responsibility, government policy helps shape lifestyles. (33)

        Not only are more processed, unhealthy foods more affordable and accessible in the US, healthy foods are expensive considering their caloric yield. This leaves a healthy diet out of financial reach for many low-income Americans. (33) As a result, Americans face a disadvantage in maintaining individual food security and health compared to their European counterparts.

       In the European Union, (a bloc of twenty-seven European nation member states) the CAP accounts for nearly 40% of the entire European Union’s budget or in monetary terms, (≈ $61 billion annually) (7, 11). The CAP emerged from post World War II Europe and addressed problems in an agricultural sector with small, fragmented farms and low farm incomes. Today, its main goal is still to support farm income. In a unanimously passed 7-year budget, EU member states pool together some of their individual financial resources to fund the supranational government. (11) The majority of the EU budget pours into the CAP displaying a high priority on agriculture. (22) Research for this site has shown that the EU’s crop subsidy portfolio is also far more diverse than that of the United States.

       Modern US commodity subsidy policy (supportive of crops like corn, wheat, and soy) emerged from the Great Depression era. (42) These policies do not include direct farm income support but instead provide a type of insurance where farmers pay into a commodity program and receive more subsidy dollars than those they lost paying the "insurance" fee. In the US’s 2021 budget, agriculture accounts for 3% of the total federal budget or $158 billion. The annual agriculture budget is more than double that of the EU’s CAP. Despite a larger overall agriculture budget in the US, European funding for agriculture subsidies far surpass US levels by nearly ten times. (3) It is also important to consider the European Union is a supranational organization of multiple countries who also individually fund their own national agriculture infrastructure.

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Understanding the Atlantic Divide

Understanding subsidies in the United States and European Union's agricultural policies begins with evaluating the types of subsidies in each area of the world.

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Subsidy Types

How Subsidy Money is Distributed

The United States (1a)

       In US agriculture policy, subsidies are divided in four categories: commodity programs, crop insurance, conservation programs and disaster relief. In graph 1a, the US's strong commodity programs can be well observed; commodity crops dominate over half of US agriculture subsidies. Crop Insurance is the next most awarded subsidy and helps to support farmers in the event of a bad harvest season. Conservation programs help to support farmers in reducing environmental degradation from agriculture (i.e improving soil erosion and water loss.) Disaster programs insure farmers in case of natural disasters such as floods or tornadoes. (13, 14)


The European Union (1b)

       In the CAP,  70 percent of subsidies come in the form of direct payments to farmers. This has created an unintended dynamic in EU subsidy policy. Farmers are awarded direct payments according to the size and scope of their farm. This has resulted in an EU preference for subsidizing large farms. Even in consideration of this fact, the EU still subsidizes far more small family farms than the United States. US Agriculture remains a very concentrated industry dominated by corporate farms. Besides direct payments, EU subsidies also include rural development measures that pour into Eastern Bloc nations in need of agricultural modernization. Market measures help to control economic factors that impact food prices and import and export levels. (7, 21)

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Subsidies Side by Side

Top Subsidized Crops

        A side-by-side comparison of subsidies in the European Union and the United States reveals a wide gap in crop subsidy prioritization. The top 5 agricultural subsidies in the US on the left as compared to the top 5 agricultural subsidies in the EU on the right displays a preference for radically different crops. The United States subsidy portfolio is dominated by corn, sugar, wheat, and soybeans. (14) The European Union's top 5 subsidies include vegetables, fruits, wine (cultural relevance), wheat, and forage plants. Forage crops are planted to help restore nutrients to farmed soil after the field several years in regular production rotations.  This practice ensures long term viability of the soil and helps the environment recover from aggressive modern farming practices. These types of crops are strongly supported by the CAP. Sorghum (the 5th most subsidized crop in the US) is a forage crop that can also be utilized for foodstuffs. (9, 10)

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Produce Priorities

The Data Collection Divide

       Graph 3 illustrates fresh fruit and vegetable subsidy rankings according to how much subsidy money they receive in the United States. For graph 3, each bar represents a crop and upon scrolling over each bar, their ranking appears. So, the number 14 on the US apple bar represents the fruit’s ranking as the first fruit/vegetable subsidy (or most government funded fruit/vegetable crop) in the United States. (14)

       The same data available in the US were not present in the EU. Despite excellent public data available in the EU, there were scarce data for crop financial ranking. Instead, prioritizes data of just 4 fruits and vegetables: tomatoes, citrus fruits, apples, and nectarines. The data is otherwise spliced by the category fruit/vegetables. From the available data, it is not possible to determine what fruits and vegetables are most subsidized in the European Union. (7)


        Subsidies in both the EU and the US are split into categories like dairy, meat, and plant products. Interestingly, the US does not have a separate subsidy sector for fresh fruits and vegetables. Instead, these crops rank individually with the exception of some orchard fruits. EU fruits and vegetables represent the blocs largest subsidy receiving sector. The US’s fruit and vegetable subsidies first make an appearance on the subsidy list after the top 10 crops.

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